The Soft Appeal process is CLOSED for 2024. The assessments for 2024 are final and cannot be appealed. Please check back in Late February / Early March for the 2025 Soft Appeal.
In keeping with Assessor Joe Kral’s ongoing commitment to open and accessible government, he has put in place a “Soft Appeal” process to assist constituents in appealing their assessment at the local level.
You may have a legitimate Assessment complaint if you can support any of the following claims:
- The assessor’s market value is higher than actual market value. (This claim can be supported if you have recently purchased your property on the open market or if you supply a professional appraisal.)
- The primary assessment of the property is based on inaccurate information, such as an incorrect measurement of a lot or building.
- The assessment is higher than those of similar house style/age and size in your neighborhood.
When going through the Soft Appeal Process, you, the property owner, are appealing the assessed value of your property, not the tax bill. The amount of the tax bill is determined by the various tax rates that are applied to the assessment based on the levies of various local government taxing districts which include counties, townships, municipalities, school districts, special districts, etc. If the assessment increases, the change must be published in a local newspaper. Individual notices will also be mailed in some instances.
Tax rates are not an issue in the assessment appeal process, only the amount of the assessment. Once you receive the tax bill, it is generally too late to make an appeal for that year’s assessment.
Filing A Soft Appeal
If you have a legitimate complaint as stated above, you may file a Soft Appeal with your Township Assessor, Joe Kral. Calling an erroneous assessment to the assessor’s attention early in the year may result in a correction without using the formal appeal process. If the assessor still has the assessment books for that year, he or she can correct any proven erroneous assessment.
Pertinent evidence should include following:
- Appeal is based on Recent Sale Years (2024, 2023, or 2022): Provide closing papers
- Appeal is based on Recent Appraisal Years (2024 or 2023): Provide Full Appraisal
- Appeal is based on Comparable Sales Years (2024, 2023, 2022) : List on Soft Appeal Form
- Appeal is based on Assessment Equity: List on Soft Appeal Form